Hellenic Coalition For Alternative Fuels
Our goal is to promote and inform the state and the public about the ecological, economic and social advantages of gas and other alternative fuels, especially in automobiles.
The main directions of our organization
Dealing with all issues concerning installers and importers. Such as technical and legal issues, or market distortion issues. Also, issues of promotion of alternative fuels through our stores. And most importantly, ensuring that alternative fuels continue to exist and that our members’ investments and jobs are not lost.
To help consumers with problems they may encounter with the facilities in their cars. We take care of informing them about the future of alternative fuels, as well as informing them about specialty stores and certified technicians. Also, helping for problems they may encounter with refueling stations.
We change fuels and we improve the environment!
We cooperate with the competent carriers and the state for the improvement and modernization of the existing ones and the establishment of newer rules and specifications for the proper and safe disposal, handling, storage and use of gases and other alternative fuels, as well as the improvement of their quality.
Lifelong training and information of members and third parties, about the properties and advantages of gases and other alternative fuels, their safe disposal, handling and use.
We contribute to the protection of the rules of legality and safety in the disposal, handling, marketing, storage and use of gases and other alternative fuels for vehicles.
We provide scientific, technological support and information to members, authorities and the state, on any issue related to gases and alternative fuels.